
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


overwhelemed and slightly freaking out

so, i procrastinate! i know i do, and you would think that knowing that you procrastinate would mean that at times you wouldn't procrastinate. this is not true.

this semester at school is getting the better of me. i am trying to keep up with my English class' reading and prepare interesting and thought-provoking lesson plans. i have also been put in charge of our yearbook. i have never been on a yearbook staff or done anything with yearbooks before. it is not my speciality, but we are doing the best we can. we have also decided to write our own play in drama this semester. what was i thinking!! on top of what is going on right now, i also need to be planning for my maternity leave. aahhh!! i don't know if i am coming or going sometimes.

as for the home-front, audrey's room is still not started. i don't even know where to begin!! we have so much junk that we need to go through and get rid of, but again, i don't even know where to start. so what do i end up doing? crying and looking at it wondering what to do!! i am a mess! i have never been good at these things. i have piles and piles and piles. the pregnancy hormones are not helping the situation.

i really do know that i need to just start somewhere, and i am hoping, this week, that is what i will do. i also love that dear aunt spazzy is coming to visit and will kick my booty into high gear and help me get things going. she is great at this sort of stuff, and the crazy thing is, she actually enjoys it! it helps to have crazy friends!! i also know that Liam's wonderful oma will help with stuff when she get out here. i am so blessed to have such a wonderful mother and friend who will put up with me and my disorganization!!!

i just needed to vent and get it all off my chest!! now i just need to actually get off my keister and get it all done! i think i can! i think i can!! i think i can!! (a little old-school motivation never hurts!)

enough of the poopy stuff. here are some cute pictures of a certain little boy! enjoy!!

enjoying our milk in a basket!

just a cutie

bouncy, bouncy, rocky, rocky


hitting the ground running!

2010 has started and there is no stopping it!

we brought in the new year with some friends at the turner's house, or at least we almost made it to the new year there. we came home a bit early and once the clock struck 12 i was ready for bed. i know, i know, i am getting old and being pregnant doesn't help.

matt and i were blessed to have one more week off of school and we spent it not doing any of things we said we needed to do. audrey's nursery needs to be cleared out, painted, and made ready for her arrival. a task that still has not been started!! i also intended on doing a lot more lesson planning and maternity planning for school! instead of getting things done, we slept, played with liam, and generally rested and relaxed. not too shabby!

with one week of school under our belt we are getting back into the swing of things. i can honestly say that i hate having to set my alarm. it is so much better to wake up to your little boy talking and babbling from his crib. but all in all we can't complain. our schedules allow us so much freedom, now all we have to do is learn to use that time a bit more wisely. i have to admit that even when i know i have to get stuff done, if i see that couch, it is so inviting and so easy to just walk over, flop down, and not get up for an hour or two!!

liam is getting so big and i swear that he grows an inch every time i turn around. he is talking and silly and completely wonderful!! i hope he is ready for little audrey's arrival! he can say her name and sometimes gets that mommy has a baby in her belly, but mostly he is oblivious. he is putting together short sentences and we are constantly amazed at how much he understands and learns everyday. we are so blessed, and we cannot wait to see what our little girl audrey will be like!

okay, so enough with the shmultz and mush! here a few miscellaneous pictures from the last few weeks. liam did get an actual hair cut the other day and it went pretty well, a few tears here and there, but overall he did great. jacob, liam's cousin, had a birthday and a great birthday party at a gymnastics place. i am also throwing in one or two more from our christmas in charleston, just because they are so great!

i hope that this new year finds you healthy, happy, and blessed!

1, 2, 3, weeeee!!!!

we are a little afraid of the scissors!!

i still have my cute curls!!

having fun at jacob's birthday party!