
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


pulling up . . .

is making me pull my hair out!!!   liam has gone from crawling to pulling up within a matter of seconds it seems.  where is the nice pause where i get to enjoy the crawling and watch him cruise around the room with some sense of peace of mind.  i think i missed that stage, or liam didn't get the memo about the fact that mothers need a little of time to adjust to changes in their angels.  he is just zooming through the stages and will be walking before I know it!!

i know one of my resolutions was to not be anxious about these changes, but it is hard to not be nervous about the fact that he is pulling up on the most unstable objects over a hard tile floor.  here is the process:  he crawls to an object, probably one that is shaky or about to fall over, then he proceeds to grab at it with wild abandon, following that he then pulls himself to a standing position while trying to balance on his amazingly unstable little legs, finally the unstable object gives and he goes kerplunk!!!  there is some crying involved really more from being scared than from actually being hurt, and that is just me!    

please pray for my sanity!!


  1. Well, I guess you need to remove all furniture from your home. All furniture. You can sit on the floor.

  2. You are too funny! and yes, you'll definitely have to start rearranging some things and putting things away from reach. what a big boy you have!!
