
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


more on spring break

time flies when you don't want it to and drags when you want it to fly!  it was great to have my mom and dad in the states and for liam to get to spend some quality time with them.  but i think i spent more time in the car than anywhere else.  we drove to round rock (near austin), to wichita falls, to possum kingdom, to throckmorton and then back to lubbock.  thank goodness for satellite radio!!  we found this great station that played great songs from the 70's, 80's, 90's and today!  much fun.

we also had the first of several birthday parties for my sweet little one.  the fish fry in throckmorton was great!  opa got to go fishing and we got to eat the fish.  it all worked out really well.  there was a great turn out of family.  it really made us feel blessed to have our family surround us.

as i am typing this i realize that it sounds boring, but sometimes a little boring goes a long way.    boring is sometimes the best family time.  and we had great family time.  that is why the end of spring break is so sad.  boring family time is not as readily available.  back to the daily grind.
now, i am counting down to summer!  looking forward to more boring family time!!!

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